Curriculum Vitae
- Certified Grief Counselor (GC-C). The American Academy of Grief Counseling. Advisory Board Member of the American Academy of Grief Counseling.
Facilitator Roles:
- Facilitate weekly Bereavement group at “The Tapestry Of Healing”, Exeter, NH.
- Facilitate weekly Caregiver’s group at the Edgewood Centre, Portsmouth, NH and Provided a Grief Workshop for the staff at the Edgewood Centre in March.
- I am a Bereavement Consultant for The Edgewood Centre, Portsmouth, NH.
- Facilitate weekly Transition Groups for brain-injured people at Steppingstones, Portsmouth, NH. The group is designed to help brain-injured people to grief the loss of who they were, and accept who they are today.
- Provide clinical counseling to inmates at The Strafford County Correctional Center, Dover, NH. Also, wrote the curriculum for the grief, loss & recovery program.
- Co-Facilitate bimonthly Caregiver’s Groups for loved one’s of brain-injured people at Steppingstones, Portsmouth, NH.
- I am sole proprietor of “The Tapestry of Healing, LLC”
- Facilitator of the “Death Cafe” at Hospice Help Foundation
- Advisory Board member at the American Academy of Grief Counseling, Warren, Ohio.
- Grief Expert on the radio show “Don’t Diss My Ability”
- Grief Expert in the film “Just One More Day”
Other Roles:
- I was a Bereavement Counselor for Portsmouth Home Health & Hospice, Portsmouth, NH. This position was held for seven years. In August 2005, the position was eliminated.
- During my tenure as a Bereavement Counselor, I provided several Workshops & Presentations on: Grief & Loss, Understanding the Bereavement Process, Grief for Children and their Developmental Stages & Compassion Fatigue to health care workers. These were conducted in Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Montessori School, Widowed Persons Services and the Hospice Volunteer Trainings.
Speaking Engagements:
- 22nd Annual Brain Injury & Stroke Conference, Concord, New Hampshire in May 2005. I spoke on two tracks: Un-grieved loss for Families and Un-grieved loss for brain-injured Survivors.
- Provided an in-service on “Grief & Loss” for staff members at the Exeter Hospital, Exeter, NH in May 2005.
- Provided workshop on “Death & Dying” at UNH, Durham, NH in June 2005.
- Provided Semi-annual Hospice Volunteer Training on “Grief & Loss” and “Understanding the Bereavement Process” at Portsmouth Home Health & Hospice from 1998 to 2005.
- Provided an in-service on “Grief & Loss and the Dying Process” at the Mark Wentworth Home, Portsmouth, NH in November 2004.
- Presenter on “Grief, Loss & Recovery” at the Half Moon Festival in Danbury, NH in June 2002.
- Presenter: “The Whole Process of Grief”, Seacoast Widowed Persons Services, Dover, NH in May 2001.
- Presenter: “Growing Through Grief, IV”, Seacoast Widowed Persons Service, Dover, NH in April 1999.
- Speaker, at St. Theresa’s, Rye, NH 2016: “Feeding your soul…the meaning of life on a soul level.”
Published Articles:
- Acute Grief and Life Changes
- Un-grieved Loss
- Un-grieved Loss for Families of Brain Injured Survivors
- Un-grieved Loss for Survivors of Brain Injury
- Handbook for University of New Hampshire Interns
Education & Continuing Education Classes:
- Bachelor of Science: Behavioral Science.
- Master of Science: Counseling Psychology.
- World Wide Notable Alumni – American Academy of Grief Counseling-Advisory Board member, Warren, Ohio
- Completed the Hospice Foundation of America’s 12th Annual “Living with Grief” teleconference in Stratham, NH in April 2005.
- Completed the workshop on “Supporting the Hospice Patient in a Hospital or Nursing Home” in Portsmouth, NH in 2004.
- Completed the workshop at University of New Hampshire continuing education Department on “Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue” in 2003.
- Completed the New Hampshire Hospice and Palliative Care Conference in Moultonboro, NH. The conference was titled, “Pain and Beyond: 2003.”
- Completed the “Hospice Retreat” for Portsmouth Home Health & Hospice, Portsmouth, NH in 2002.
- Completed the workshop, “Pathways through Grief: From Loss to Hope” sponsored by Rockingham VNA & Hospice and N.H. Catholic Charities in Stratham, NH.
- Completed the workshop at the University of New Hampshire on “Treating Trauma through Sand Play and Play Therapy.”
- Completed the workshop presented by Bernie Siegel on “Loss” in Portsmouth, NH.
Teaching Experience:
- York County Community College, Wells, Maine-Psychology 101 and Abnormal Psychology
- University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. Taught, “Introduction to Gerontology.”